Books I've Read
Below is a list of books I've read and my reviews of them, which you can sort by topic.
If you have any suggestions let me know!
If I can ever afford to buy a house (which is unlikely in the UK/Cambridge due to property prices), the first piece of furniture I'll buy will be a bookshelf.
Bullshit Jobs
David Graeber
9/10 Highly recommend. It's alarming how many jobs are "bullshit" and provide no value to anyone, especially in an era of capitalism which is incentivised not to have worthless/wasteful jobs. Mergers & Acquisitions came out as the top bullshit job where people in the industry consider their job useless. It's a rather eye-opening book, and will likely make you think twice about wanting to work in the corporate world, where often the money is the only thing fulfilling in your career.
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Caroline Criado Perez
7/10 Overview on the many disadvantages woman face in society which heavily cites sources on why many services disadvantage woman, often not because they set out to, but because of a "data gap" for women exists. It's filled to brim with statistics, which makes it often difficult to read. While it does a good job presenting the issues with data to back it up, it never provides meaningful solutions to any of the problems mentioned. It never mentions transgender women in the book or a areas/"data gap" that disadvantage men e.g. higher suicide rates and incarceration. For an overview of gender equality in society I would strongly recommend: "Evolution and Gender: Why It Matters for Contemporary Life,
Rosemary L Hopcroft".